The Youth Platform

Positive Youth Development

Based on the literature, the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs, a collaboration of 22 federal departments and agencies that support youth, has created the following definition of positive youth development (PYD): PYD is an intentional, prosocial approach that engages youth

Promoting program/activities to other youth and adults

Youth should have a lead role in promoting and presenting information about the program and the activities that will be offered. Recruiting youth and getting them to participate in programs and activities can be strengthened when their peers describe what

Ways to involve youth throughout the life of a program

There are many ways youth can be involved in organizational decision-making structures and program development. Involving youth from the beginning of a project is ideal; suggestions about how and where youth can be involved include the following: Assess Needs assessmentAn

Involving Youth in Positive Youth Development

Youth involvement can benefit organizations and their programs as well as the youth themselves. Programs that are developed in partnership with youth are more likely to be effective at engaging the population and, therefore, to have a greater impact. Involving